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About Us

Water Safety Initiative Foundation(Water Safety Nigeria)

Water Safety Initiative Foundation (WASIF) is a Non-Governmental Organization, non - profit organisation (NGO) established in 1996 to drive and contribute positively to the development process within the context of achieving sustainable develoment in Nigeria. In 2008, the organization sorts the approval of the Federal Ministry of Environment to implement programmes on climate change mitigation and adaptation in Nigeria. This was duly approved in 2009.  

We are currently working in five states in Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta region. Our core projects are located in local communities


Our mission is to sensitize and empower Nigerians on issues of environment and sustainable community development through public awareness, capacity building, research, and dissemination of factual information, policy dialogue and promotion of sustainable livelihood.

What we do

    Our core intervention strategies are Advocacy, Capacity Building, Information, Education and Communication programmes including:

    1. Publication and distribution of Newsletters, Journals, annual report and articles.
    2. Retreats, Conferences, Workshops and Training programmes
    3. Support services in Schools
    4. Publicity, awareness and sensitization campaigns in the mass media
    5. Distribution of campaign promotional materials like vests, caps, badages, posters, handbills etc.
    6. Recognition, rewards, honours and other reinforcement support programmes.
    7. Formation and empowerment of environment friendly clubs in schools
    8. Research and Documentation